朝花夕誓:于离别之朝束起约定之花 在离别之朝竖起约定之花 在离别的清晨装点上约定之花 道别的早晨就用约定之花点缀吧(台) Let Us Adorn the Morning of Farewells with Promised Flowers Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms 朝花夕誓 さよならの朝に約束の花をかざろう
Gina Vitori Andrew J Katers Samantha Bowling Evan Sloan Shawn McConnell Lindsay Sawyer Val Victa Jordan Williams Kate Watson 约翰·沃沙 Tammy Klein Sam Ganguly Arleta Jumes Chants Davidson Charles H. Choi